Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Fliminati

Florescent plus illumination. My electrical bill showed up one day, twas a bit high....too high. So I spent some money. It took 36 fluorescents with a total of 356 watts to replace a mixture of halogens and incandescents. My old lighting wattage was 1815 watts. The incandescents got trashed. The halogens will go back up when winter rolls around since they are cheaper then gas hot water heating.

The Green house is done. The last act was pegboard behind a potting bench. This was a tough house to work on, but came out well.

My new employers are making sounds like I should spend weekends with them too. Well, maybe one per month. My plan is to be a good employee in the afternoon, and a house fixer in the morning. This house, the brown house.

Next weekend I roll up north, come back in the early afternoon of Monday, then go to work. That's the plan anyway.

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