Monday, June 25, 2007

Odds and Ends

There it was, one big clunky futon frame. Everything is moving upstairs until the lower floor gets done. That monster was not going up the stairwell, not in one piece. My furniture has to do one thing well, be readily foldable and storable as I have one great move ahead of me in a year or two. If it doesn't fit in the back of my Suby, it's not a keeper. This didn't do any of that. So it was sawzall time. Two futon mattresses so one of those is going as well for geological recycling. Cat had her epileptic fit on one with a full bladder so it's toast anyway.

I got my return salvo ready for the NCDOR and am firing that today by registered mail. First though, I'll open up the "green" house and get it ready for work. Then off to the post office. I've been spending it seems, most waking moments at work, so looking forward to some time by myself. Another two weeks at most. The townhouse needs quite a bit of work too. That and I'm still recovering from the dentist bill and the quarterly tax payments. Not helping matters that the car will need servicing in three hundred miles, but as it is a very reliable Suby, it needs to stay that way. Then there's the real estate tax payment...... It's not a painless month.

Job hunting is still in slow swing. Two nice ones, one as a facilities administrator. I can do that rather well. See what happens. Online job applications are kept in active status for a week, then moved to the two week file. Anything older then two weeks goes in the near-dead file, and anything over a month gets deleted.

Wake County is going to do the same thing as Loudoun County in a few years....spend much bucks on the schools. As a resident in Loudoun I saw my taxes jumping by twenty percent or more per year. It didn't help matters that every time there was a bond issue, they voted yes. If I learned anything, it's don't hang around while the local school board is spending money like no tomorrow.

Going to have to go through the blog and do my Soviet Encyclopedia thing. Can't scare the customers too much. And done. Politics is so boring anyway as old news.

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