Sunday, June 24, 2007

More Trees to the Slaughter

Those poor inoffensive trees. What did they ever do to deserve to be turned into PRESRT STD U. S Postage Paid?

First up is Trader Joe's. High end supermarket with high end prices. Overblown ad copy too. Pass.

Shopwise....some missing kid that's 46? Furniture, cheesy home improvements and Geico. Toss.

Wachovia, pronounced Walk-All-Over-Ya. Customer Referral goes.......Stay Away!!!! So much for getting 25 bucks.

Town of Cary, Annual Water Quality Report....unread, besides last year for a few days we couldn't even drink the water. Toss

Time Warner Cable wants me to sign up for watching advertising on an idiot box, overpriced high speed access and a phone system that will be as dependable as the network it rides on. Uh Huh. Toss.

Midweek Values.....flooring and yet even more cheesy home improvement. Toss.

Money Mailer, "Like Getting Money In Your Mailbox". Not. Toss.

Geico, sez, "See how much you could save." Toss.

American Express Business Gold Rewards Card. Brags they are waiving an annual 125 buck fee if I join up. Uh, what about next year? Fake credit card glued to the letter. Also an arbitration clause which means no throwing lawyers at em' if they don't behave. Shred.

AT&T....wants to sell me satellite television in High Definition. What, waste my time on my butt watching advertising instead of being non-productive like now? Toss.

And that's that.

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