Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The mailbox, opened again

It's been awhile since the mailbox was opened. Big mistake. Full of slain trees as always.....

First up, Vanguard is telling me that I get to pay no fees. Nice, that.

Second, credit union telling me that I earned yet another dollar.

Now for the junkier junk.

CITI Business Services is offering me a zero percent credit card. Hmmmm. Go to the back of the application and read the terms and conditions. 13.24 percent for purchases, sez variable, could mean more. Cash advance is 23.34 percent, if late 32.24 percent or more. Simon LeGree is alive and well it seems.

Cary Fitness 19 would like me to go to the gym to get fit. Already there....I do work for a living.

AT&T would like me to watch advertising and pay for it. Nah.

IRS liked it so much that I was sending in my estimated income taxes, they sent me preprinted forms and envelopes. They want me to pay postage as usual.

NC sez they didn't get any income tax form for 2004. Simple reason....I wasn't working in NC in 2004....I didn't even live here. Letter tomorrow along with documentation.

Wachovia....wants me to refinance my mortgage through them. Only problem......what mortgage?

Performance Bicycle catalog, all sorts of shiny new stuff including clothes....shiny skin tight clothes. Hey, I ride old steel in blue jeans. Live with it.

Bed, Bath & Beyond flyer....I used to know folks who worked for em'. Nah.

Vanguard, yet more literature on one of my funds. The fund does well and the info is online. Tossed unopened.

KHovianian Homes, hoping to sell me a McMansion....nah.

Lifetime Fitness, yet another gym membership. Hey, just work for a living, all the exercise a body doesn't want.

Verizon Wireless wants to sell me a cellphone. Nope, got one already and the thing works entirely too well.

USPS would like me to give a lot and send it via them. Giving a lot already....it's called taxes.

Town of Cary sez I should conserve water and not irrigate my yard. No problem, no yard.

Ethan Allen would like me to buy expensive furniture.....probably made in China. Toss.

Bike Nashbar, yet another bike catalog....toss.

Clipper Magazine....coupons for eating out, real estate out in the middle of nowhere, and buying expensive junk. Toss.

Clearwire Wireless Broadband....prefer DSL, and wireless broadband isn't all that secure anyway.

Midweek Values, More dead tree, this by the N and O. Toss, recycle.

Campmor catalog. My camping days are over. Forever and one day. Toss.

Maxwell. Volkswagon . Volvo . Subaru would like me to buy an oil change for double what Atlantic Tire does it. Nah. Toss.

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