Sunday, June 3, 2007

Insulating and Cleaning and the Birdie

Yesterday, B and I blew into the attic of the "green" house, 129 bales of recycled cellulose insulation. Day before that, R and I did 39. Spent most of the day in the attic, but did manage to stain and varnish a few window sills. Hopefully we can get rolling on the grading, outside steps and bamboo floors this next week. Still needs a few bales, small hole by the attic stairs. The air quality during the process could best be described as non-existent.

Here at the brown house, vacuumed and shampooed the back bedroom. Got to remove the Sheetrock anchors and patch and paint those. The back bath is the first that will get attention. The toilet finally died and needs new guts. The tile job by the previous owner sucks and the vanity cabinet has had it. Yep, gut job coming up. The tub gets to stay. The wall next to the linen closet might get moved but funds may dictate it staying where it is.

Red Pontiac yesterday did not like me signaling a right turn and then slowing down for it. Blew horn. I did the middle finger salute. Gotta watch my temper. Tail-gaters are a bear here now.

Worked on my taxes, the quarterly estimated tax payments are coming up in less then two weeks. Not too bad. Finally figured out my percentages and 16 percent is definitely better then 35 percent. Still, a little extra to keep the powers-that-be happy for they can really make a bad day suck even more. I've had days where eating a live toad would have been an improvement, so the fewer of those, the better.

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