Sunday, March 4, 2007

Duct Taped Astronauts

Gotta love Da Gummint. Who could possibly make up such a thing as duct taped astronauts? This came about when a woman scorned who just happened to be an astronaut was arrested for planning to get even in a very final way. So of course someone would have to ask NASA what they would do if one of their anointed went nuts in orbit. Wrap em' in duct tape. The Red Green Show in outer space. Therapy through adhesive cloth tape. Oh yeah!

NASA also came up with a way of detecting, well just call it bad vibes from airline passengers. Apparently we give off a certain brain wave pattern when we are not happy. Slight problem with that is that very few people are happy these days at airports...including the staff. I could see all the people who work on the concourses and the TSA people all having to wear tinfoil hats. And to think some take drugs to see weird stuff?

Of course the TSA is trying out a neato gadget called a back scatter X-Ray device. It "undresses" people. Very anatomically correct images too...... Who would have thought Airplane the movie would be so right in predicting that.

Makes me proud to be a taxpayer.

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