Monday, March 12, 2007

Caulk, caulk, and more caulking.

After spending Saturday morning caulking on the new place, I spent Sunday afternoon caulking on my place. My gen-u-wine cedar siding has seen it's better days quite a few years ago, so up the ladder went, and on the caulk went. The splits and seams got special attention. My paint is a very close match for the original colour, so that's been done. My neighbor's other house got some attention as well, but his siding is in worse shape. He's going to need some new pieces and that's up to him.

The front porch fascia was riddled by carpenter bees, so off it came. The new piece was back painted with Kilz's all purpose primer. Hope the stuff works. Caulked the snot out of the voids behind it and sealed that up. The Kilz went on the rafter behind the fascia as well. Next is the utility shed/room on my back deck. It's going to lose it's carpenter bees as well, and the door molding is shot as well. That will be replaced by that new plastic stuff. I'm also thinking of replacing the two bottom clapboards with Hardi-Plank to stave off the dry rot.

It gets real old loading and unloading that monster toolbox on the back of the Baja, so it's going to get it's hardshell put on after work.

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