Monday, March 5, 2007

Spring Cleaning

Spring has sprung, so I'm tossing stuff. That extra cabinet, gone. Anything with a hole in it gone. Of course it means my wardrobe will be under establishment for half a day. Tossed some old bits and pieces of bicycle. Also the car is up for re-registration and inspection. North Carolina always does stuff the hard way. I miss having to register every two years.

All that old software and that horrible Valve/Steam stuff, gone. The problem with Valve, is that one can buy the software physically, but if someone else has already run a crack on it and generated a key to it, you are so screwed. Steam is equally bad, clunky interface, uncontrollable automatic updating and a complete bandwidth hog even on DSL. Got rid of the Adventure Company stuff. 2D just doesn't cut it anymore.

I got to get employed.....some great deals on great old steel bikes. Whoever got that Team Fuji.....I'm so jealous.

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