Thursday, April 26, 2007

Soon time to cut the ties that bind, or striking off the last fetters of wage-slavery.......

I've been a punch-list guy for almost 2 months. The boss is neat, and my workload is huge, which makes me happy.

Spent most of the day tightening up the siding. It looks quite bit better. The siding after nailing the loose pieces, still looked not good at the front porch, so I did my usual nit-picky, perfectionist caulking of the pieces near the ceiling. Looks a whole lot better now. Oh yeah, stained my heart out. Second coat on doors. My own druthers, if something is going to be stained and finished, buy it that way. Just too much of a headache for production work.

My own place, the skirt board has been painted its finish coat of dark grey. Been trying to figure a way to get a 2 by 8 to double up the joist under the utility room without disturbing the gas pipe. That's so some of the decking can be replaced by the chimney. The coaxial cable is just going to be disconnected and coiled. There's a pile of joist hangers in my living room. It will be safer with them installed then under bare feet. Boss wants me to do part of the weekend, I think, and my house still needs another two full days of work to finish up the underside. The top of the chimney chase needs to be flashed and repaired.....otherwise, all that rebuilding and rot removal will be for naught. So my new ladder will need a stand-off to keep from crushing my new gutters. That will be next next weekend.

John McCain is in the race. It will be interesting. He's his own man and always has been, and he also has a temper. In short, he's more of a human creature then some of those plastic politicians. John Edwards, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, and Sam Brownback to name a few of the synthetic persuasion. Hillary Clinton is also non-plastic, as is Rudy Giuliani. It would be nice to have someone with a quick temper in office.

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