Monday, May 21, 2007

Sunday, no ladder, no roof patrol, no nuthin.

Sunday was a bit of a bust. Beautiful clear day, very much like Northern California, only in North Carolina. I was going to get a ladder but I had no bungee cords. So I got bungee cords. Then I got to my Bro-In Law's house and said hello to my sister and out my roof rack and found that the hardware had finally died. Subaru Baja roof bars have galvanized bolts and brass nuts. Can we say "electrolysis"? Can we say dissimilar metals? So off to the local hardware store to get wing nuts and bolts, all galvanized. Blew off the ladder project for later. It's not raining anyway and the leak is at my neighbor's house. So not a pressing issue para mi.

The Subaru Baja, 2003, 54000 miles, has been a solid beastie. Only issues are:

1. Wind noise in front windows.
2. Left speakers work, the others don't.
3. Hinge gasket on my Snug-lid came off....crappy glue.
4. Dissimilar metals in my roof rack.

Other then that, pretty solid.....just oil changes.

Back at the green house today. J, the new guy will be there. Today we nail in the cleats for the attic walk for the speaker wiring, consolidate the cardboard, shim out the attic stairs since they are where they are supposed to be and nail it home, wipe the grout haze off the kitchen floor, and get the place more or less organized.

Here at the "brown" house, the roof rack situation will get sorted out and I'm gonna get my tools down to what I need, for example, that saber saw can stay home, as can my sawzall.

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