Saturday, February 17, 2007

When a job opening smells funny

The BS detector was showing a lot of red lights. I was going to flag them as Spam but didn't. Why? It may be legit just that once.

I saw their ad on Craigslist.The website is pretty slick. Little actual information on what they do or how they do it. The website shows impressive skyscrapers, but the street address has low-rise small offices. The street address is familiar since I used that spot to make a U-turn a few times. Some small offices there, hearing aid place, and a podiatrist if one googles the street address.

The googling of the company name showed a lot of job postings. The whosis showed that the website registration was done anonymously through Domains by Proxy.

Here's an qoute picked off a forum:

I would have too.. they seem like ........... or "some other "Entry Level Marketing Positions Available!" Company that you see plastered all over and, etc...

They ALWAYS seem to be hiring... multiple positions...hmmm.

I'm not gonna say who these guys are. There's no point in it and no need to have legal fun and games.

If there's a job offering "easy money", it's not going to be for the applicant. Always google the company. Look at their website. If it looks slick, beware. Do a Whosis. If the operation is legit, the domain will be registered by the company with contact information. This one wasn't.

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