Friday, February 23, 2007


Having already rendered unto Ceaser what I owed plus some extra, it's time for Ceaser to payback that no-interest loan. I spent most of the morning trying to get my Canon scanner to work, to save 40 cents for photo-copying the NC return. No joy what-so-ever. It was unloaded, reloaded, looked at the system, devices, and programs installer. Ah well. Went down to the library and spent the 40 cents anyway, then cruised on over and dropped the Ceaser-Take-My-Money form in a convenient mail slot.

My former neighbor across the way had me pick out and install cabinets.

More phishing from the job side. One was a real lame attempt to have me install a download. Bounced that off to Let them deal with it. Gratis, I included a WHOSIS of the phisher's URL. Ain't I a stinker? Two more Admin Assistant phishes as well. Past time to deactivate Careerbuilder and Monster. Don't need any more of this garbage.

More from the Presidential races. Hillary Clinton isn't looking good lately. Some news stories of how former supporters are looking over their shoulder as they are giving to Barack. She is very capable, but as warm and cuddly as a barbed fence in North Dakota on January the 30th. So far Barack has shown almost teflon-like political skill, not to mention the best web site of all them. He still has a way to go. He could trip over his feet too.

The two interviews went well. Hoping to hear back today and Monday. I'm going to keep the job search going active untill I'm on my first day of work though. Craiglist, here I come.

I was perusing some blogs of how people were getting themselves out debt, having done that myself. Still, one lady had three different types of potato chips on her emergency list. A rather expensive way of buying a potato.

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