Saturday, October 6, 2007

Writing and Being Cheaper

I like to read a lot . I like to write a little. Hopefully, writing will be more in "flow" as I go. The blog is to stretch the output, so to speak. Writing is why I don't really want to work more then forty hours a week on average. It takes away from that. I did try poetry, but even a Vogon* is better then me. Fiction is hard to do. It's a form of untruth, and truth is what I'm better at. I'm thinking about registering a domain name and getting a web presence for the business and some essays, but that is for the future.

Washed the Baja the other day. Works better then a rain dance. Nice warm summer the fall? Well, hopefully global warming will allow some savings on the gas bill. The gas isn't bad for hot water and the laundry was set to warm/cold, see how that goes. When the laundry detergent runs out, I want to try the cold water stuff.

It was a hundred bucks for my electric bill, incandescent and halogens, so the lighting was changed out to compact fluorescents. That knocked it down to 60 dollars. This time the air conditioning has been kept off with the ceiling fans going. It's not too bad if there's airflow. I'm also being careful with the fluorescents as well. Think the heat/dry needs to be off on the dishwasher as well.

Going bug the "brother" on Monday about one potential job. The NOC job is a real long shot but the hours would be conducive to writing and the business. A stray thought is, no job might be best of all business wise, as that is my main focus down the road.

* Some really bad poets in the galaxy according to "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy". Douglas Adams, 1952 - 2001, to paraphrase the dolphins who appreciated the fish, "Thanks for all the words.".

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