Saturday, December 1, 2007

Duh.....can we shoot now?

I watched quite a bit of Stargate over the last month or so while healing up. It has the usual sci-fi television cliches. Noise in space, artificial gravity, and the big one, faster then light travel, which Einstein sez, "Forget it, not happening." No need to mention that everyone including the aliens speak English and that the entire universe looks like British Columbia.

Still, not a bad way to put a brain into idle. In one episode our ship comes upon a hostile satellite and our intrepid heroes stare at each other while deciding to shoot at it or not. Long story short, they stared at each other way too long and got blown out of orbit.

What happened to shoot first and worry about questions later? Also, if their indecision did lead to the loss of a ship and part of the crew, why did nothing happen to them? There was a submarine skipper who found an uncharted underwater mountain with the USS San Francisco. He was relieved of command.

George Lucas introduced the twirl in his fight scene in the first Star Wars movie where the hero spins in a circle while fencing. The problem is, is that the hero turns his back on his opponent. But being a movie, The villian just stands there and lets him get away with it. Worse, this was later adopted by other directors and has showed up in other movies and television series.

But hey, sometimes it helps to relax with an idle brain.

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