Thursday, November 29, 2007


My boss is a green builder. He has a website. It's worth looking at.

What you get, if you have him build a house, is something that will last a long time, efficient, and remarkably comfortable. It doesn't cost all that much more either, and in the long run, will cost less, as they tend to be rather sturdy.

The green part....think much less waste, efficient in energy, renewable materials, and at the end of a long service life, the materials can be recycled into other houses.

He's also old school in his building. It's built right. No short cuts. The only person I know who ever built like him was my great uncle.

What Lurks in that food.... Only the Shadow knows....

The cupboard is safer.

I still itch a little, don't ache as much, guess the high fructose corn syrup is finally wearing off. Going through my larder was interesting. Sneaky people put milk and corn in just about everything. The instant bouillon had corn syrup solids.. The instant mashed potatoes......powdered milk. The cake mix that I bought by accident last year, high fructose corn syrup. Same for the store brand tomato soup and the whole wheat bread. A lot of my food got trashed.

Now milk and corn won't kill me, but it sure doesn't make me feel nice. I got fresh veggies, ground beef and potatoes. Think I can make something for tonight.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Apropos of Nothing

Days like this, a sunset would be nice on a beach.

I know someone who needs one.

Maybe next year.

Itchy Hair

My eyes ache. My hair itches. My skin itches. I did take a shower and scrubbed as usual. It's not the meds. It's that pork & beans along with all the other stuff that went in the high fructose corn syrup. Gah. I got to read labels now? Corn syrup gets put in almost everything.

It will go away soon. How can corn byproducts, not to mention corn,just be so nasty? I like salsa, but it just isn't the same on a potato chip.

Bah Humbug

Santa Go Home

It's the holidays. I despise this time of year. The weather sucks. Christmas music, and that strange thing that this place has, fake snow. Red and green which really clash. All sorts of gift suggestions which involve spending money.

I'm canceling Christmas. Maybe next year. Just not in the mood.

More Borrowed Reads

I read another Stephen Hunter book, Hot Springs. Just like the last one, goes right along, and not only that, very well written and researched. The town in the title was a mecca of gambling and other fun in Arkansas. Any more and I'd ruin it.

Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch. Fantasy if one tries to pigeonhole it, but much more than that. It was well written and an engrossing tale of two thieves who while taking what was not theirs, try to do some good. Worth borrowing.

The Eye

Another day to be spent at the eye clinic. I really think at this point, all my left eye needs, is time. Hopefully they can cut me down to a month or more for visits. The eye-drops can go too.

The Back Bath

I chucked two plate glass mirrors at the landfill. The wallpaper tool is AWOL. I think it got loaned, or it's in the depths of a closet.

The demolition can start. The tile floor is not a keeper. The door needs to be sanded and repainted. The trim is almost as bad as what was in the front bath but at least not flesh toned. Habitat will benefit of course, two towel racks and a small cabinet. Pictures soon....promise.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Borrowed Book Reviews

The 47th Samurai by Stephen Hunter was a most enjoyable read. Fiction of course. Very well written and no dull spots. It's like a printed version of Kill Bill 1 & 2. Worth borrowing.

I finally found a copy of The Path Between The Seas by David McCullough. It's been on my list of great reads and I wanted to revisit it. Someday, hopefully, The Power Broker by Robert Caro. Just doesn't seem to be at the library recently.

Alternate history used to be interesting but I just couldn't get into 1634: The Bavarian Crisis by Eric Flint and someone else. Back it went, barely opened.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Healing My Way.....

One frustrated eye doctor. The eye is better . It's just not cooperating with him. I get to go back weekly. Bit painful for the wallet.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Four Dollar Paint....A Winner!

It had to be done. Much deletion, much editing, not much rewriting. Call it, blog-maintenance. The left eye is much better. Follow-up tomorrow and then hopefully that's it for a long time. I want to cut back on the eye drops too. Nasty aftertaste.

The four dollar paint for the back master bath looks like a winner. I daubed some by the door jamb and on different spots on the walls. I'll boost the lighting a little or add more trim for contrast. First is the wallpaper removal and getting the fixtures out. No rush, got plenty of finished bathrooms.... If money permits, a new toilet. Those new American Standards really do flush better then even my old rebuilt Plebe. I guess the EPA did get something right.

Other things to do, need some wire to prop up the insulation in the crawl space, caulk along the rest of the mud sills, and start insulating above the fireplace since the chimney chase is as dry as a bone inside. The attic could probably stand more insulation as well.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sloth and Indolence

Sloth and indolence today. Usually it's speed and industry. I really thought that wasn't a lot of cheese, but it was enough. I'm still hurting a little.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Look deep into my eyes.......

What a day. Over four hours, four eye doctors, four different opinions on if I had a retinal tear or not. It finally went to "Can't see one, come back next week". Can I mention the five dollars for parking?

I sure hope they have the same result next week. Just in less time.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


What can I say? Really bad timing? I was all set to charge out into the world of self employment, complete with business license, insurance and a customer. Then on the 19th of October, a bungee cord into my left eye. Things kinda went downhill from there.

I still got the eye. It's a lot better. A lot of work went into it to make it that way.

Bungee cords are now forbidden. They seem to be doing a lot of damage these days.