Wednesday, February 28, 2007

More Job "Openings"

Another job "opening". Here it is:

Information for your job

Dear (Sucker's name here)

We have found your resume at

We would like to suggest you a job of a Transfer Manager in our

company. This work is for those who have the company in USA.

Your goal will be to process payments between

our company and our clients through the bank checques with remote

Internet operations. There will be detailed instruction with each

payment order. It is a commission based position. We guarantee that

you will get about 10% of each processed payment.

This job allows you to:

- Get financial independence working only 3-5 hours per day;

- Efficiently work at home;

- Get additional free time;

- Develop high selfrespect and esteem.

Common requirements and abilities:

- Internet and e-mail skills; Experience in online work;

- Prior customer service experience is a good benefit, but not a must;

- Ability to create good administrative reporting;

- Willingness to work at home and take the responsibility to set up and achieve goals;

- Effective interaction with customers;

Salary: $700-$1300 per week

Current Vacancies: 5

If you are interested, or if you need some more information,

please contact me directly at via my personal email address.

I will need

- your full name

- your full company name (please, write it correctly, the check will be signed on this name)

- mail address

- your mobile telephone number

so I can send you the contract and other paperwork necessary for

you to get started. I am looking forward to hear from you soon

as possible.

In this day and age of automated electronic transfers, why would anyone want to move checks around? Most people now pay electronically. Really good chance the checks will be rubber, or they want to launder money. Thanks but no thanks.

Craiglist is great but they got some doozys too.

Earn income working-at-home as a 3rd Party Tracer Processing Mortgage Refunds (helping the Federal Government return unclaimed refunds)!
This opportunity has been available for years, but is not very widely known. You can work only a few hours a week or several hours a day, it is up to you. The key job responsibilities and work activities include office support and clerical duties from the comfort of your own home.

The following skills are desirable: Basic computer and typing skills, Ability to spell and print neatly, Ability to follow instructions.
Requirements: Computer with Internet access, Valid email address, Good typing, and basic Internet knowledge.
1.Contact the Home Owner by phone or by mail to notify them of their unclaimed refund.

2.Send them their claim form (Tracer Found Case Form) so they can fill it out, sign it and mail it back to you to claim the Government M.I.P.Refund.

3.You fill in your information, case number, name, address and phone number. Then you mail it to HUD/FHA.

4.As their Third Party Tracer you will earn anywhere from 20% to 30% of each refund you process.

Relevant Experience:
Computer Operator
Data Entry Clerk
Customer Service Representative

Uh huh, how many mortgage refunds actually exist and why would someone expecting one would want to share? Smells like a "lead" seller.

Here's another, Standard MLM:

If you are looking to supplement your income, or replace it, all while working from home, then this is for you. Perhaps you are tired of the commute, the gas, and the boss. Maybe you find it difficult to leave your kids with someone each day as you go off to work.

Visit (MLM link here) to see a 4 minute movie. Leave your info on the site, and I will contact you personally. I am looking for people that want to make a positive change in their lives, as well as the lives of others.

You will get ALL of the information up front. You can be up and running tomorrow. I look forward to working with you!

Yet another MLM, this one selling timeshares:

Bill Gates can't get in, but you can!

Millions will be made almost overnight! What if you could market a perfect combination of a luxury resort membership $8k to $10k below historic retail value married to the most lucrative compensation plan in the history of direct sales?

How much could you earn if you earned $1,000 on every qualified sale YOU made AND $1,000 roll-up commissions on every qualified sale that occurred anywhere in YOUR organization to Unlimited Width . . Unlimited Depth?

Recorded: Conf. Call: 555-1212; Q&A: 555-1212

To see lucrative Comp plan: (MLM link here)
Listen to the testimonials: 555-1212

Log on NOW: (MLM Link here)

Careerbuilder has some MLM masquerading as job openings too. Mostly nutritional supplements. It would take another post just to do that one.

Yes, I do flag these. If it's not a job, it shouldn't be on a jobsite.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Job Phishing

Or should it be people phishing for job hunters? Really interesting phish. Some evil person wants us users to download something. The grammer and spelling were pretty bad in the message. company greets you

We are happy to inform you that we had succesfully upgraded our site. Because of our system has great changes, you have to install certificated utility (click here) to be able to use database. If you don’t setup this tool until March, 1st, 2007, you will not be able to use your account. You don't have to answer this letter - it’s just a newsletter.

Thanks for cooperation.

Naturally it was bounced to Monster's abuse minions. They seem to have realized something was going on. The canned response was different this time.

Thank you for bringing this phishing email to our attention. This is a fraudulent email, purporting to be from Monster, which has been sent to a large group of Internet users, including some of our customers.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Miscellanous Jr

Well, so much for callbacks. Five Pee Mmm and my cell has been silent as Senator Dole trying to find something good to say about Clinton.....either one of them. The worst thing about a job is getting one. Geez. No wonder I have this urge to salute with the middle finger.

Neighbor been absent all day. I still got his key. Cabinets are in. Just need a filler strip.

Been babysitting the email too, but only Wakecycle so far. That and two phishies that I didn't want.

Sunny but chilly outside, so I chilled....and chilled....and chilled.

I'm going to raise some tools this weekend. Time my downstairs ceiling got painted while the finish floor is absent. Something happened next door. The caulk between my townhouse and the next one has cracked and there is a split in one of the clapboards. Time to get the ladder out and fix that. A little caulk and paint there too.

Mood: Frustrated.


Having already rendered unto Ceaser what I owed plus some extra, it's time for Ceaser to payback that no-interest loan. I spent most of the morning trying to get my Canon scanner to work, to save 40 cents for photo-copying the NC return. No joy what-so-ever. It was unloaded, reloaded, looked at the system, devices, and programs installer. Ah well. Went down to the library and spent the 40 cents anyway, then cruised on over and dropped the Ceaser-Take-My-Money form in a convenient mail slot.

My former neighbor across the way had me pick out and install cabinets.

More phishing from the job side. One was a real lame attempt to have me install a download. Bounced that off to Let them deal with it. Gratis, I included a WHOSIS of the phisher's URL. Ain't I a stinker? Two more Admin Assistant phishes as well. Past time to deactivate Careerbuilder and Monster. Don't need any more of this garbage.

More from the Presidential races. Hillary Clinton isn't looking good lately. Some news stories of how former supporters are looking over their shoulder as they are giving to Barack. She is very capable, but as warm and cuddly as a barbed fence in North Dakota on January the 30th. So far Barack has shown almost teflon-like political skill, not to mention the best web site of all them. He still has a way to go. He could trip over his feet too.

The two interviews went well. Hoping to hear back today and Monday. I'm going to keep the job search going active untill I'm on my first day of work though. Craiglist, here I come.

I was perusing some blogs of how people were getting themselves out debt, having done that myself. Still, one lady had three different types of potato chips on her emergency list. A rather expensive way of buying a potato.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

When a job opening smells funny

The BS detector was showing a lot of red lights. I was going to flag them as Spam but didn't. Why? It may be legit just that once.

I saw their ad on Craigslist.The website is pretty slick. Little actual information on what they do or how they do it. The website shows impressive skyscrapers, but the street address has low-rise small offices. The street address is familiar since I used that spot to make a U-turn a few times. Some small offices there, hearing aid place, and a podiatrist if one googles the street address.

The googling of the company name showed a lot of job postings. The whosis showed that the website registration was done anonymously through Domains by Proxy.

Here's an qoute picked off a forum:

I would have too.. they seem like ........... or "some other "Entry Level Marketing Positions Available!" Company that you see plastered all over and, etc...

They ALWAYS seem to be hiring... multiple positions...hmmm.

I'm not gonna say who these guys are. There's no point in it and no need to have legal fun and games.

If there's a job offering "easy money", it's not going to be for the applicant. Always google the company. Look at their website. If it looks slick, beware. Do a Whosis. If the operation is legit, the domain will be registered by the company with contact information. This one wasn't.

The Great Job Sub Hunt

Or not. You never know. Apply, apply, apply, and then see what happens.

It's like playing Enigma Rising Tide and doing the sub hunting thing. The sonar guy never tells me how deep they are, so I roll depth charge after depth charge over where the sub should be, guessing at the depth. I have to sink the sub or he will sink me. So, bobbing around on the ocean, rolling charge after charge, hoping for a hit before I run out of charges. If I run out, I have to wait around until he runs out of battery or air. Then up he comes and it's time for target practice.

Job hunting's like that. All I need is one.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

More Borrowed Books.

Yes, more library book reviews.

Clive Cussler, Trojan Odyssey. One of the last books that he wrote himself. Moves right along but it has issues. When he has a charactor using a water ski or a watch, we get to know the model, maker, and specs. Almost reads like a product catalog at times. Almost thinking literary product placement here. Even the good guys were one dimensional. Raise The Titanic is probably the best of the lot.

Eric Flint & Ryk E. Spoor (or is that Ricky's poor?) , Boundary. Semi decent hard science fiction. Refreshing after all that alternate history in 1632, 1633, 1634, and finally, 1635. Mankind finds martians, well sort of. Don't want to spoil it. Definately worth checking out.

Michael Flynn, Fire Star & Rogue Star. Near future space opera, well written but mildly dated. Who even owns a VCR now? Still, worth borrowing.

Robert Silverberg, The Longest Way Home. Almost a YA (Young Adult) book. Skip this one. Recommend his Majipoor Cycle series instead. He is a good author but not this time.

Robert Silverberg, Roma Eterna. Collection of stories set sequentially in which the Roman Empire never died. Not bad but not great.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Borrowed Book Reviews

Jim Butcher, Cross Fury. Genre is fantasy. Third in a series about someone who can't do magic in a world where everyone else can. Good read, realistic charactors, but the bad guys are somewhat one dimensional. He mostly writes about a magical detective. This is the Dresden Files series. Not bad but not worth buying. Get it from the local library.

John Edwards, Home: the Blueprints of Our Lives. Nonfiction, edited stories about childhood homes of people. No blueprints either, just stories and pictures. Couldn't even get into it. Back it goes.

PT Duetermann, Scorpion in The Sea. Did I say before it's a great read? It's going back since it's a library book. Good techno-thriller sea story, written by a guy who knows his stuff unlike other techno-ignorant thriller writers.

Harry Turtledove Settling Accounts: The Grapple. Alternate history in which the South never fell. WW2 and the Confederacy is emulating Nazi Germany, complete with the Final Solution. General Patton's in here too with the soldier slapping incident. The first one he did was good. This series is getting tired and the South has risen enough. Read like a trainwreck. It's bad but you don't want to stop.

Melanie Rawn, Kate Robertson, and Kate Elliott, The Golden Key. Fantasy, about a society where everything legal is recorded by art. Surprisingly good even with the usual fantasy placeholders. Also very reminescent of the Rennaissance and the great Italian families such as the Medici and the Borgias.

Friday, February 9, 2007

The worst thing about job hunting.......

Is the non-response from prospective employers. "So what?", would some people say. The problem is, is that HR departments can be fast and organized, or not. So it can be anywhere from 1 day to over a month. That's if you get a positive response. If not, it's just stone cold silence. So we wait and wait. Yes, I'm supposed to follow up but I was raised not to bug people and could never break that habit.

So after a while, if one hears nothing, we keep firing our job applications out into the ether, and then it happens, two or three at once, is almost as bad as none. I got all of my good jobs through knowing people, and proving, yes, I can pull with the best of them. But down here, I know very few people. Sucks, doesn't it.

So my bro-in-law called up. He sez that an estimator may be cut loose and that it may be him. Looks we may have to work for ourselves. Ugh, talk about tough bosses.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Two more for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

This would be Rudy Giuliani, from the Republican side who was Mayor of New York during 9/11. He did a good job but he did do one thing during his administration before that. He had an apartment building torn down after a wall failed, and the renters lost everything, including their pets. I have a cat, same large fat neer-do-well beastie for the last nine years. Forget my vote if somehow, remotely, he makes it.

The second ambititious politician is from the Democratic side. Joe Biden, a senator from up north, Delaware, the home of sleazy banking and credit card companies. He's done a decent job for his constituents and kept the President more or less looking over his shoulder. His bug-a-boo, is that he inflated his resume rather badly during one of his earlier runs at the White House and did some plagerizing as well. Still, not a baaad choice, but very unlikely to make the final cut.

Frank Wolf used to be my congressman. His problem is that he would be much better suited for higher office but has shown much lack of ambition. Still, as a former constituent of his, I can only say that he looked out for us. He kept the EPA away untill we could fix our emission issues and not lose the road funding. My friend had problems with his disability but he fixed that as well. My current congressman is David Price who just seems to be a run of the mill politician who does very little for his people. If Frank moved down here, he would get my vote. If Frank ran for President, he would get my vote. Dave gets nada from me until he proves his qaulity.

Worked for Food (Steak)

I actually worked for food. This wasn't intended. It was actually a rescue mission. A friend's W2000 box had managed to catch a trojan and Norton's fix had wiped out most of the exe files as far as I could tell. The trojan was dead too, but the village was burned almost to the ground. Last Known Good Boot wasn't. He wanted to put on Norton 2007 but it liked only .... XP or newer. Go figure.

I despise XP. It's W2000 with the nanny state attitude.

But XP is what he wanted. The first day sucked. He had gotten the Home. So of course, XP Home needs to upgrade from a W98 box. Needed to put the box back to W98. He did originally have W98, so that was ok. Only problem is, after trying it, is that W98 never could boot from the CD. Ransacked his computer area for a 98 boot disk but he didn't have one. So, no way of removing the W2000 and backing it to W98 which is what he had in the first place. I could put it back to W2000 but Norton doesn't like that OS anymore.


So I beat a temporary retreat and moved the modem and a CD drive into the original XP box which promply refused to boot. XP doesn't like it if you move too much hardware around. Really, one lousy CD drive and a generic modem? Even after I ripped the stuff back out, it was the Bluescreen of Near-Death. Aah Tell Ya, If I saw Bill the G and I had a blunt object in my hands, he would have bruises.

After trying to get that back, gave up and went off to bed. Felt really bad about it, since his Quicken is what he uses and I had just managed in six hours of hard work to make every financial file unreachable.

The Next Day

So, back into the fray, after picking up a copy of Sid Meier's Pirates (addictive game, played it for a week straight later)on the way.

I threw the original XP CD into the original XP box and turned it on and left it. Then I saw on the back shelf a pile of dusty floppies. Two of which were boot disks for W98. One was just dead as a door nail, another one had just enough usable files to do an Fdisk and take out all the partitions. It was too dead to get the CD drive going. The first time, XP choked, so I did a low level NTFS format, the long let's flatten everything to the ground type, and then it was hunky dory all the way, got it to see that, yes, he did have legit W98 in the past, and after awhile, got the box up and running and back on the internet with that Norton 2007 POS installed.

Meanwhile, quietly in the background, somehow the original XP box, by itself, fixed itself. That I left alone. His Quicken was back and updated, so I refused to touch that box. It was working, so no "fixin".

I'm A+ and Net+ certified. I know how to fix computers but that was hard. I guess I better make real sure I have a fresh copy of the W98 boot disk. Still, my friend was happy and he gave me four beautiful steaks, huge ones that came off a grass fed corn fattened steer. Kroger would have charged 8 bucks a pound for these and what they have, is small dinky ones from not so great cows off of feedlots.

Yeah, I worked for food. Geek Squad, eat your heart out, for I had three of them over the last week and they were delicious.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Keeping the Cable Away

There is a thirty inch wide screen HD television set sitting in my livingroom. It's pretty nice. So what do I watch on it? DVDs. Just DVDs. There was an experiment to build a PC for gaming on it, but that didn't work out and the box went off to a friend of mine.

It's been at least three years since I've watched "live" television. Every now and then, there's an opportunity to watch it somewhere else. It seems to have gotten worse if the Xterra Challenge is anything to go by. The Nissan Xterra is an uglier version of the Pathfinder. Choppy camera work, jerky motions, and sound bite after sound bite. As our intrepid athletes did their thing, there would be a Nissan parked right up against the course and the English accented announcer would be mentioning "Xterra" every ten seconds.

Think the cable's gonna stay unconnected for the fore-seeable future.

Besides, I already have a rather ugly Subby Baja.

The Clark Kent that didn't fly.

Superman he wasn't. But his mind could fly. He was a rough hewn, wild man who lived in West Virginia. He had an auto wrecking yard where cars would give of their last to keep other cars alive. Very, very smart but still took chances, lived and played hard. You could say he never grew up. One day he was burned badly and went to a hospital's burn ward. From what I could gather, he was burning out old cars before they were to be crushed. He was too close to one, and up he went. Something like seventy five percent of his skin was gone.

Frank was 43. Last week he decided enough was enough and asked to be taken off life support. At that point, his kidneys had shut down and he had been through pneumonia. So, at four in the morning on the third day of February in the year of Anno Domini 2007, he went to a far country where we will all go.

He was extremely bright. Bright people can get very bored. This can be dangerous. Sometimes fatal.